Rediscover your Self

Live congruently with who you truly are, your values and your desires to feel grounded in your identity. Make choices based on what is right for you, not what is expected of you.

Let go of the past

Limiting beliefs, which have been conditioned by past experiences, have no place as you enter an uncharted phase of your life. Get under the skin of your disempowering belief set that is an obstacle to your success.

Redesign your life story

Your past may have influenced the present but it does not have to be your future. Regret and others’ expectations of you have shaped you but you alone can write the next chapter to your story.

Step into your power

Reclaim your power by reconnecting with what makes you, YOU. Embrace your unique strengths, skills, qualities & idiosyncrasies to live your life authentically.

Home page1

Hi, I'm Yvette

I am especially passionate about empowering women to maximise their personal and professional potential in midlife and beyond. While my focus is women, I have been fortunate to coach some high-achieving men also. As your coach I help you to make massive shifts to transform all areas of your life. Through a holistic approach, I help you to implement a self-directed discovery process by respecting your life with the purpose of attaining whole life balance.

Each of us is born with unique talents, motivations and aspirations. Together we will work on aligning your unique qualities with your goals and purpose to create the life that you want or may have always wanted but have been held back for whatever reason.

Using tools and techniques suited to your needs, we will set out strategies to enable you to reclaim your personal mastery.

Empowering YOU to achieve mastery in mind, body and spirit with courage and confidence is my passion.


Freedom comes from being YOU

True inner freedom comes from being true to who you really are. Using simple, effective techniques you will discover the power that comes from taking full responsibility for creating the life that you want for yourself without needing to look outside yourself for solutions. Whether you are 35 0r 65, at some stage the external world’s definition of success loses its power.

In different times, ask different questions to live differently

By guiding you through a structured programme, you will understand that your mental map of the world that served you once may no longer be serving its purpose. You will discover the ability to appreciate different perspectives of your life and unhitch yourself from limiting patterns of behavior.

Lead a Purpose-driven Life

While not merely a goal-setting programme, I will help you in uncovering the outcomes that you want for yourself. What separates resolutions from intentions lies in commitment and a clear plan of action. You will be armed with strategies that enable you to create a clear vision for your life while still remaining open to new opportunities that present themselves along the way.

Connect With Me

Tel: +27 83 340 5326